Monday, January 28, 2013

spring fever

The holidays are past us, yet spring still seems so far away.  We were at the pediatrician today for Virginia's 15 month appointment. They said that they think the worst of this year's rough rsv/flu season has peaked but is no where near over :(  We sure are ready for it to be over!

Spring seems far away much in the way that at this time last year Virginia's discharge seemed so far away.  The light at the end of the tunnel is awfully dim.  I'll quit complaining now and instead make a bucket list of things to look forward to.

Post RSV season bucket list:

Take the metro north to nyc for the day
Go to the children's museum
Go to the aquarium
Let Ginny sit in the grocery cart!
Let Ginny sit in the grocery cart at Stew Leonards!!!
Go to the library
Enroll Virginia in a music or swim class
Go out to brunch
Go to church as a family again
Go to Target
Go to Chips for pancakes
Let Virginia explore the toy store
Host a playdate with all of our baby friends

Virginia is planning her escape!

Ginny was 19lbs 4oz and 29 inches long at her appointment.  This puts her at around the 5th percentile for 15 months old!  At least she is now on the charts!   Her head is at the 50th percentile!  Can't deny that she is a Kent!


  1. What a cutie! Thanks for sharing your blog with us, I look forward to reading more of your story. I just wrote a post about RSV season too and then came over to see that you had written about it too, always on the minds of preemie parents...we are SO ready to be done, but our season doesn't end until April!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! We are in the 2 month countdown over here, but I assume like most things the last stretch is the hardest.

  2. She's really gaining on Eleanor in the height & weight department, which is wonderful to see :)

    1. I cant wait to get them together to play. We will have to make plans for the spring :)
