Saturday, April 14, 2012

25 weeks

25 weeks in and now 25 weeks out. Virginia has now been here with us for as long as she was inside me. These 25 weeks sure seem alot longer than the 25 weeks that I was pregnant.

The human body is an amazing thing. It is amazing to me that in a short 25 weeks a few cells can grow into a 1lb 7oz miracle that can survive and thrive with the help of alot of modern medicine.

Even more amazing to me is that in another 25 weeks that 1lb 7oz miracle can grow to be a 9lb 11.5oz smiling, happy baby.

Virginia went to the pediatrician this week for another well baby checkup and to get some immunizations. She is now in the 10th-15th percentile for height (21.5 in) and weight (9lb 11.5oz) and in the 30th percentile for her head circumference based on her adjusted age. This is wonderful news since she was once barely hovering on the 3rd percentile a few months ago. Her doctor was very pleased with how she is doing and doesn't need to see her again until July. In the meantime we will continue to see her Physical Therapist, she has a cardiology appointment, and at least one more eye exam. He also encouraged us to cautiously get out and enjoy life together. He emphasized that as cold and flu season is coming to an end that practicing good hand washing and sanitizing practices and avoiding people that we know are ill is the best way to keep Virginia safe while introducing her to life outside of the house. We are very excited to start introducing her to more family and friends. We are also excited to get out of the house more often. I took Virginia with me on a few errands this week and wore her in a sling, which helped keep random baby admirers at a safe distance.

A few other photos from the past week and a half:

Moma's visit

First Easter, First fancy dress and Easter Dinner with Sadie, her first baby friend outside of the hospital. :)

1 comment:

  1. So exciting to read your updates! Just a suggestion, we also changed out of work clothes when we got home before playing with E too much. You never know what coworkers are carrying around too. Glad you can start getting out more.
